Sunday, March 25, 2012

Those Bingleys..

With reason, I have grown to despise the Bingley family. Evidently, Mr. Bingley broke the heart of my beautiful Jane. Now, it is Miss Bingley, who has insulted my sweet Lizzy. As Miss Bingley made a negative comment on Lizzy's beauty, Darcy returned with opposition. His claiming that Lizzy is one of the most beautiful women brings happiness to me. I have grown fond of Darcy myself and wish that Lizzy has done the same.


  1. Mrs. Bennet,
    I am sorry for breaking your daughters heart and I regret my actions in the past. It was not a very bright or smart decision I've made and I'd do anything to take it back

  2. Mrs. Bennet,
    I cannot help but disagree with you entirely. It is clearly known that Jane's heart was not broken, for the acquaintance of Mr. Bingley and her was not long enough for a heartbreak. Furthermore, if I were you, I would not be growing too fond of Mr. Darcy. Yes, he is an excellent man but not somebody who will every be part of YOUR family. Remember when a certain daughter of yours mercilessly shredded his heart?
    -Lady Catherine

  3. I am strong enough to not let Miss Bingley's comments affect me in any way. I feel the same as you mother, I have also grown fond of Darcy. Saying that I was the most beautiful women brings a great amount of joy to me. I feel horrible for misjudging him, and if I could take it back, I certainly would.

  4. Mother please don't blame Mr. Bingley for my own decisions. He's a very kind man and it's unfortunate that our relationship has come to an end.
    I am also glad that Mr. Darcy is supportive of Lizzy. He's a kind man and I hope Lizzy does indeed grow fond of Mr. Darcy, just as you said.

    -Jane Bennet

  5. I am so truly sorry for hurting your daughter Mrs. Bennet I am emotionally tormented every day for making such a foolish decision. I truly miss Jane and hope to see her in the future because I still think of her to this day.

  6. Mr. Bingley is not to blame for breaking Jane's heart. A I have told Elizabeth, it was I that caused such pain upon your family. I was only trying to prevent Mr. Bingley from marrying then regretting it later.
